Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

Marie tagged me and what I have to do now is tell you 7 things about myself and then tag 7 more people.

1. I have two wonderful children, Molly(11 months) and Caleb(almost 3). I also have a wonderful husband who is in the USAF serving as a dental technician.

2. I am a stay at home mom who can never seem to keep her house clean even if her life depended on it. My babies like to scatter all their toys all around my house. I also have a never ending pile of laundry that keeps getting bigger and bigger.

3. My nickname is Gumby. My dad gave me the name when I was about 5. I am double jointed just about everywhere and he found me in my bed one morning sleeping with my head on the same side of the bed as my feet.

4. I only buy stamps from Stampin' Up!. I tell myself that if they stop making wood stamps and start making acrylic stamps, I will quit buying and demonstrating. I really dislike acrylic stamps. I have used them and they just don't look as good as rubber stamps. The images just aren't as clear.

5. I have been married twice. I have Caleb with my first husband and Molly with my current husband. I do not plan to get divorced ever again and if for some reason I do, I will never marry again (not trying to jinx myself because I love my husband).

6. Mike, my darling husband, is the greatest person in the world and I love him so much. He is a wonderful father and he is the best dish washer that I have ever had! He helps me out so much with everything and I don't think I would get any stamping done without his help.

7. Finally, I am the "bad guy" when it comes to disciplining my children. My husband is the "good guy" and plays with them. I'm not really "bad", I just make them go to their rooms when they aren't being very nice or not listening.

I tried to pick people that haven't already been tagged. These are the 7 blogs that I read on a daily basis (if I don't pick you, don't think that I don't read your blog or think that I don't like it):
1. Kimberly -
Crafty Me
2. Sharon -
Paper Fections
3. Kim -
Kim's Creations
4. Natasha -
Palmtrees and Pogosticks
5. Jen -
Stamp With Me
6. Susan -
Susie Stamp Alot
7. Angie -
Quacking Creations

I read more then 7 blogs everyday, but I could only pick 7 people. Well I am hoping to stamp today (we will see how far that goes) and if I get a chance, I will post what I have done. Have a great week and happy stamping!

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